The forward-thinking owner of this new Grieve walk-in oven also bought a preventive maintenance kit, shown inside the oven. The PM kit incorporates the most often replaced parts, including, but not limited to, heating element, motor, fuses, and door gasket.
A PM Kit provides a customer the same parts we install on their oven to keep it performing at its best and makes these parts readily available when it is time to service the oven. Having these extra parts on hand can minimize unscheduled down time, helping to maximize the customer’s productivity and profit.
PM kits are available for new or existing ovens and purchasing a kit saves a buyer up to 50% off the regular price of buying all these parts individually.
Call Grieve Customer Service (847) 546-8225 to add a PM kit to your in-production oven order or click here to order a kit for your existing Grieve oven.